Home Projecten Half a million kilograms of CO2 savings

Half a million kilograms of CO2 savings

From a nice assignment to a great challenge, this is how our relationship with Tata Steel started three years ago. Initially small, the project soon grew into something large and complex – music to Peinemann’s ears! The highlight: a series of electrically powered 26.5 to 30 tonners.

“We started small with a few forklifts and quickly took over a large batch from another supplier,” says Dick van den Burger, Deputy Director at Peinemann. “It wasn’t easy, especially during the pandemic, but we succeeded. Then came the biggest challenge: electrification.” Tata Steel faced an environmental issue and wanted to transition rapidly to electrically powered equipment.

“At Peinemann, we have extensive experience with electrification,” Dick continues. “We invested heavily in this technology ten years ago, even for heavier machinery, so we had all the necessary expertise. However, the biggest challenge with this project was combining requirements. Electric replacements were needed for the diesel-powered thirty-tonne machines that the steel manufacturer used 24/7 in its factory. Since the workplace was indoors, compact machine size was a crucial requirement. This posed a triple challenge: electrifying a machine that operates 24/7, with high capacity, and compact dimensions.”

Searching for a supplier

Such a machine didn’t exist, so we decided to create it at Peinemann. This required a challenging search for a manufacturer willing to take on this task with us. “But I was confident from the start that it was possible,” says Dick. “The technology was there, I knew from experience, but now we had to get it to the right size and make it capable of 24/7 operation.”


‘We did it!’

Through our extensive network, we found MKF in Germany. They had an existing concept that was further developed in collaboration with the client’s knowledge and Peinemann into an electrically powered thirty-tonne machine that met all the requirements. “Those requirements were indeed challenging,” confirms Haico Blom of MKF. “Especially the combination of electric and compact. But we did it. We reduced the length to 3980 mm and the width to 1900 mm. The power supply was supposed to be 80 volts, but we went against the grain and made it 96 volts.”


Electric hydrostatic drive system

“We achieved this thanks to our patented electric hydrostatic drive system,” adds Haico’s colleague Jan van Berne. “This system also makes the machine highly manoeuvrable. It features multiple motors on one gearbox, and all the power can be converted into hydraulic energy and directed to a single wheel. This allows the thirty-tonne machine to turn on the spot. The specially chosen steel cylindrical (cushion) tyres are perfectly suited for this purpose.”


Other specifications

Peinemann account manager Arjan Koerse explains that, in addition to these technologies, the MKF machines were equipped with various other features. “For example, interchangeable batteries to ensure the machine’s 24/7 operation. Special chargers were also designed for this purpose. Furthermore, at the client’s request, the MKFs were fitted with an air-conditioned cabin and the best possible ergonomic seats to ensure optimal comfort for the driver. A special attachment was also designed for specific lifting operations, and technological innovations such as a high-end tracking system, bird’s-eye view camera system, and load protection system were integrated.”


Fighting for an electric future

All of this was developed in an unusually short period. Within a few months, the first electric 26.5 and 30-tonne machines could be ordered from MKF. All the experiences gained since then have been incorporated into the new versions, continually optimising the MKF. Arjan says, “At first, the drivers had to get used to the idea of an electric forklift, but now they appreciate the MKFs.”


German thoroughness

There are currently 11 of these electric MKFs operating at the client’s site, with another 3 on the way. Planned maintenance is always scheduled in close consultation with the client to ensure the machines are optimally utilised. “And they truly are optimal,” stresses Dick. “The machines operate for over four thousand hours per year. That’s incredibly high. But they can handle it. This truly demonstrates German thoroughness, with machines of exceptionally high quality.”



The client’s goal of contributing to a healthier and more sustainable business process with these machines has been achieved. Arjan quantifies this: “The diesel-powered machines consume 38 litres of diesel per unit per day. Multiply that by 365 days, and you’re talking about 13,870 litres of fuel saved annually per machine. Multiply that by 15 machines, and you get over 210,000 litres of diesel. That equates to an emission reduction of over 678,300 kg CO2.”


Ready for other industries

In addition to the heavy electric MKF machines, Peinemann now supplies Tata Steel with a variety of other equipment. From small sweepers and stackers to heavy-duty harbour trucks and telehandlers, they cover everything in between. Dick says, “In total, we’ve delivered about 80 machines so far, with another 20 on the way. It’s been a fantastic project and a great collaboration. Plus, we’ve gained additional expertise. The MKFs currently operating in the steel industry could also be a viable solution for other sectors, including automotive.”







"At Peinemann, we already have extensive experience in electrification."

Frans Quataert

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